Yer and all the union folk are happy to go low price Estonia for their congress instead of using expensive Finnish bhotels/b? And the poor Finnish worker who wants equality will go on holiday to low cost places like Estonia or Thailand ... Just ask the paper workers at bVoikka/b and elsewhere affected by the paperunion strike and resulting lay offs what they think of their representatives. While fat cat union leaders (in PL case, fat pig) sit back and collect political points ...
10 Comments: At 1/7/06 17:26, Blogger sea said... Tällä kertaa olin viisas ja varauduin tonnikala-majoneesivoikkarilla ennen kun tulin tulemaan tätä blogia. Hah, siitäs saitte. On muuten sairaan hyvä bvoikka/b. ;). At 1/7/06 19:35, Blogger ...